The 2nd International Conference on Management Research and Economic Development (ICMRED 2024) was a hybrid conference which includes several workshops (offline and online) around the world. Dr. Canh Thien Dang from King's College London, Prof. Habil. Florian Marcel Nuţăin from Danubius University, Dr. Javier Cifuentes-Faura from University of Murcia,Dr. Chinny Nzekwe-Excel,and Prof. Xuezheng Qin from Peking University have chaired these workshops on related topics. ICMRED 2024 provided the participants with good opportunities to exchange ideas and build networks, and it will lead to further collaborations between both universities and other societies.
Workshop Chair: Dr. Canh Thien Dang,Lecturer in King's College London
During the week of 3 – 7 June, we hosted four separate events as part of a week long workshop. First, we organised two workshops on the macroeconomics of interest rate decisions and forecasting techniques for business and management. The events were attended by undergraduate, postgraduates, and PhD students with very good turnouts. During the talks, I discussed the fundamental views behind central banks’ decisions to manage the interest rates, and the growing field of forecasting using econometrics and machine learning techniques. Later in the week, I hosted a school-wide talk on the management of non-profit health care systems in the US, well attended by colleagues and external visitors. Finally, I discussed a new strategy to engage students (UG and PhD students) in research and challenges in current business and management education.
Workshop Chair: Professor Dr. Habil. in Danubius University from Galaţi
The workshop Green development for urban communities took place as planned, on May 15, 2024, at the premises of Danubius University. The topics covered by the workshop: urbanization, carbon accounting, climate change, green public policies, sustainable communities, smart urban solutions, carbon emissions mitigation, urban pollution, urban ecological footprint, rural vs urban asymmetries, and other related subjects. The main presentation entitled, was followed by discussions and launched the debates among participants. The participants involved freely in debates starting from the topics covered by the main speaker. There were 12 registered participants and 10 participants present in person in the meeting room. The participants (mostly students) were glad to find out in their university there are research and practical interests related to climate change action and environmental protection, subjects very significant for the younger generation. They were interested in various mitigation actions presented and asked many questions on the topic. After the presentation, the Q&A session was intense, discussing issues such as: “making urban areas more environmental-friendly without affecting the standard of living”, “smart options for green cities”, “the role of innovation in shaping green villages”, etc. Among those present, there were also entrepreneur students, that recognized the necessity for urban planner to acknowledge the role of cities in climate change mitigation actions and sustainability targets.
Workshop Chair: Dr. Javier Cifuentes-Faura Researcher in University of Murcia
The workshop brought together several students from the University of Murcia and served to learn and to identify the explanatory variables of public debt according to the main theoretical and empirical studies carried out. Although there is an extensive literature on public debt, it is important to note that most of this research has focused predominantly on analyzing the effects that debt has on macroeconomic variables, leaving the study of the underlying determinants of public debt in the background. Knowing these determinants will support policy makers who have to obtain financial resources to cover essential and very necessary expenditures nowadays such as health, education or infrastructure investment, controlling debt levels and fiscal pressure. The workshop offered solutions, recommendations and discussed useful policies for policy makers to reduce public debt.
Workshop Chair: Dr. Chinny Nzekwe-Excel, Associate Professor
Executive Education Programs are designed to enable leaders to acquire the knowledge and techniques required to address current organizational challenges in real time. It provides an environment for business participants to learn and apply business concepts (knowledge and skills gained) to their businesses as well as enable them to identify practical solutions to specific issues within their organizations. An example is the Senior Leader Apprenticeship Program, which is designed to be work-based, offers learners the opportunity to fit their academic study around their professional work and personal commitments as well as to advance their career aspirations.
The project, which has executive education and senior leader apprenticeship as the core principles:
- Explored the benefits and logistics around delivering executive/ senior leader apprenticeship program through active collaboration with the relevant parties and engaging with applicable resources.
- Organized targeted meetings (focus group sessions) with business executives/ leaders to identify their perceptions (including business needs) in relation to a Senior Leader Apprenticeship Program.
- Undertook analyses of data/ information generated from the focus group sessions.
- Translated insights from the analyses into developing a plan of actions required for the effective design & delivery of an open-cohort Senior Leader Apprenticeship Program.
Workshop Chair: Prof. Xuezheng Qin,Professor in Peking University
The 2nd International Conference on Management Research and Economic Development (ICMRED 2024) Beijing Chapter and the 3rd International Conference on Applied Economics and Policy Studies was successfully held in Conference Room 606, School of Economics, Peking University On the afternoon of July 20, 2024. Scholars from Peking University, the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, the University of Hong Kong, and other universities shared and discussed market policy and human capital research.
The meeting was moderated by Dr. Li Xiaolong, Deputy Director of the Center for Market Economy Research at Peking University. The meeting started with a speech by Prof. Qin Xuezheng, Director of the Center for Market Economics Research of Peking University, who summarized the academic activities and achievements of the Peking University Market Center team in the past year, including online and offline discussions, academic conferences, and subject undertakings. He also put forward his plans and expectations for the future development of the Marketing Center.
Subsequently, the participating scholars made academic presentations of their papers. During the reporting process, the speakers and participants actively interacted and discussed, and the meeting was successfully concluded in a warm atmosphere of academic discussion.
The online session of The 2nd International Conference on Management Research and Economic Development (ICMRED 2024) was held on on May 30, 2024. Prof.Florian Marcel Nuţă from Danubius University,Prof. Javier Cifuentes-Faura from University of Murcia and Dr.Ruth Badru from University of Bristol have given keynote speeches on related topics of business, finance, economics, and management,etc. Also, we invited authors of qualified papers to deliver oral presentations at the Online Session. The authors have presented their studies of managerial characteristics, digitalization of business, consumer behavior, etc. Questions from the audience were collected and answered by the presenters.
You can find the YouTube Playlist of online sessions Here.
Accepted papers of ICMRED 2024 will be published in Advances in Economics Management and Political Sciences (Print ISSN 2754-1169) and will be submitted to Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), Crossref, CNKI, Portico, Google Scholar, and other databases for indexing.
Title: Advances in Economics Management and Political Sciences
Press: EWA Publishing, United Kingdom
ISSN: 2754-1177 (electronic)